Success in local photography competition
We're delighted to share the news of Year 7 student Edward Coles, who secured a first place win in the under 12 "Wild About Wootton" competition and his wonderful artwork "Butterfly Camouflage" is pictured above.

The competition, which is run by Wootton Parish Council, received more than 100 entries. Edward's artwork was chosen as the under 12 winner by a number of independent judges, and he received a £50 Amazon gift-card as a prize for his fantastic submission.
During the judging stage of the competition, it was noted by an expert in butterflies that the butterfly captured in Edward's entry had not been previously sighted in Northampton in the past - making his artwork all the more unique! Edward was then put in touch with David James, Northamptonshire Butterfly Recorder, to discuss more about his sighting.
Edward's photograph, along with all the other winners, will be featured in the upcoming edition of the Wootton Mag, so please keep your eyes out for this to read more about the competition!