Project Rugby at Cinch Stadium at Franklin's Gardens
Project Rugby at Cinch stadium at Franklin's Gardens
The day started off with the boys in great spirits and up for the day. In the morning, the boys went on a tour of the stadium and got to have a look around and take some pictures, but they couldn’t wait to start playing.
The afternoon came around, and the boys were ready to go. They played 2 rounds of matches.
Round 1
CCS vs Shenley Brook End 1 - 3
The first match started and the boys all wanted to score. In the first half they couldn’t get started, and their heads had gone down. At half-time, a quick chat with the boys to boost them up and get them to go back to the simple tasks, they came out and started playing some fabulous bits of rugby. The score didn’t go the way we wanted, but they worked hard to build confidence within themselves.
CCS vs The Ferrers School 4 - 1
Second match and the boys carried on building their confidence from the first match and something clicked with the boys, and they played a fantastic match with everyone working and coming together, which meant they started running in a few tries that lead to them winning the match.
CCS vs Denbigh High 6 – 4
Third match and to say the boys were on a high and couldn’t wait to get started was an understatement. They started the way they kicked off the last match with some brilliant players, but then they started forgetting about the basics and defence started dropping, which brought Denbigh back into the game when half-time came and had to get the boys to focus on the defence. The second half defence was strong which lead to turn overs that the boys capitalised on getting to run in a couple more tries.
The boys had a bit of a well-deserved rest as it was at its hottest part of the day at this point before they went into round 2.
Round 2
CCS vs Shenley Brook End 2 – 4
The boys went into this match thinking it was going to be an easy match, as they were still on a high from the last match. They started off all wanting to score and the defence lacking this led to them losing their heads a bit, but a quick chat at half-time to get them to go back to the way they were playing, and it would come together. So with this in mind, the boys managed to score a couple of tries but sadly, didn’t manage to pull it back in time.
CCS vs Denbigh High 6 - 2
The boys were straight into this match running in a couple of early tries and then settled down and started having fun which led to a few more tries and the boys coming out on top.
CCS vs The Ferrers School 3-2
The last match of the day and we were told that there wouldn’t be a half time, and they were playing straight through. This was a hard fought match with each team scoring 1 each, about halfway through it was a quick change over of players and the boys scored, but they lost focus straight from kick-off, so Ferrers managed to level the score. The last few minutes it was very close from both sides, but in the dying seconds of the match Ferrers managed to get a breakaway try to win the match.
Player of the Tournament: B Page
Mr Preens PotT: I Treagus
Mr Marshalls PotT: J Reeves
Overall, the boys played fantastically and really came together as a team. Even though Rugby isn’t most of the team’s main sport. we did have a few footballer moments, but it got laughed off which made the day a bit more enjoyable.
The boys played with heart and had lots of fun and that was what the day was all about, but to come overall second for our afternoon tournament was a great success which showed all the hard work that the boys had put in.