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Latest News in Visual Art

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  • Community project commission with Wootton Parish Council

    Published 20/06/23

    Towards the end of last academic year, we were approached by Wootton Parish Council with a proposal to help them enhance the look of the recreation ground, by painting a mural on the shelter. Our A level Fine Art students were given a brief by the Parish Council, and then they set about producing designs in response.

    The chosen entry was a joint design by Johanna Maoko and Meryem Sezer in Year 13. The Parish Council then disassembled the shelter and transported it to CCS where the students were able to begin work on it in the lower E block gallery area. Due to their A level commitments, Johanna and Meryem had to hand over the reigns to our Year 12 Fine Art students. Thomas Atkinson, Abby Wood, Sophie Tizzard, Hannah Denness and Abi Larner all helped paint the design, in conjunction with Teacher Mr Dawson and Art Technician Minnie Teckman.

    We are delighted to say that the shelter has just been re-erected in the recreational ground in Wootton for the whole community to enjoy. The Parish Council are absolutely thrilled at the outcome, and we look forward to more collaborative community work with them.

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  • Stowe House Preservation Trust Art Competition

    Published 17/07/24

    Congratulations to our Year 9 students who took part in the art competition.

    Yesterday evening we all attended the Private View and prize giving for the exhibition at Stowe House. It was lovely to see all our students and parents in attendance. Extra congratulations to Adrianna Britton who won for our school.

    The exhibition will be open to the public this summer and thousands of visitors to Stowe House will see our students' artwork. The following students took part: A Birca, ABritton, E Landeryou, F Lodge, E McNally, E Mehaffy, E Meridith, R Parmar, N Prashant, I Sawer, A Macrea and E Weng. We look forward to taking part again next year.

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  • Young Artists’ Summer Show at the Royal Academy

    Published 08/05/24

    The Visual Art department is delighted to announce that we have just been informed by the Royal Academy that Thomas Atkinson (Year 13) has had his work accepted into both the online exhibition and also the in-house summer exhibition at the Royal Academy itself. 31 students from CCS sent in artworks to the competition (which is the largest number to date) and we would like to thank them all for producing such lovely work and participating in this event. Over 21,500 young people nationally submitted work for the Youth Summer Show this year.

    This is a huge achievement for Thomas, and we are incredibly proud of him. This is the second time that Thomas has managed to be accepted by the Royal Academy; the first time was to participate in the “attRAct” one-year online program of study, which he completed last year.

    The youth exhibition at the Royal Academy will run from 16th July – 11th August and Thomas’ work will be viewed by thousands of people worldwide online and also in person.

    Well done Thomas!

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  • Tamil Pongal celebrations

    Published 06/02/24

    The KS3 Art after school club have been practising paper craft this term, creating some beautiful decorations for Tamil Pongal celebrations.

    After researching Pongal pot patterns and discussing the meaning behind Tamil Pongal, the club used coloured card and added collage patterns to paper pot shapes. Large sugar cane trees and a large cardboard Pongal pot formed part of the set for photo opportunities. It was a great opportunity to learn about a different culture and to be involved in the wider community.

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  • Year 12 Sophie secures her place on Royal Academy of Art “attRAct” programme

    Published 13/11/23

    We are delighted to announce that Sophie Francks in Year 12 has been accepted onto the Royal Academy of Art “attRAct” one-year online programme of study.

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  • KS3 Art Club - Sculpture

    Published 18/10/23

    In Key Stage 3 Art Club, we have spent the first term looking at sculpture. Students have had the opportunity to explore a variety of materials; this has included making snails from clay, mod-roc figures and paper sculpture inspired by the artist Charles McGee. The students have produced some fantastic results. Next term the art club will be exploring printmaking.

    - Mrs Gee

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  • Christmas Card Project

    Published 18/10/23

    Students across Key stage 3 have been busy getting into the Christmas spirit by designing their own Christmas card for a project supported by CCS friends. We have seen a fantastic range of designs across the three year groups!

    Sales from these cards will raise additional funds for the school. I think you will agree that the below images demonstrate fantastic creativity from our young artists.

    - Mrs Gee

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  • Paper sculptures in KS3 Art Club

    Published 04/10/23

    In response to the theme of pattern and Charles McGee’s incredible sculptures, assemblages and paintings, the KS3 Art Club created patterns on an A4 sheet of paper and then reassembled them as these eyecatching paper sculptures (pictured above).

    Each week the art club creates something new to engage the students, they have recently had the opportunity to work with clay and soon they will be using modrock to fashion little figurative sculptures. KS3 Art Club is after school on Tuesdays in E1.

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  • Harriet Smart: looking back on my journey through CCS and how my art has evolved

    Published 27/09/23

    Harriet Smart started her educational journey at Caroline Chisholm School in Foundation Stage, September 2009, and left our school at the end of Year 13 in July 2023.  She is a fantastic example of how students can benefit from our all-through school, remaining in the same school setting throughout their entire school years, from age 4 up until 19. Her teachers have been able to see her blossom and grow throughout her primary and secondary years, as well as witness her thrive in her GCSEs and A Levels. 

    We are pleased to share with you below some snapshots looking back at Harriet's artwork, and how this has evolved from her first year in Reception, right up to her submissions for A Level Art. Harriet has also shared a few words about how she feels being at CCS has shaped the person she is today.  Please enjoy!

    From the very start, Harriet was passionate about art and exploring her creative side. Many school reports and observations noted her keen interest in art and how she enjoyed playing at the painting table.

    Her love for this subject continued throughout her education, at GCSE and into A Level, where she picked to study Fine Art.  Her critical essay in Year 13 looked at how contemporary artists have transformed the face of portraiture. Pictured below is some of the artwork Harriet created for this project. 

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