Wellbeing calendar
The new wellbeing calendar shows the key events promoting wellbeing and mental health throughout the school year.
This includes a mixture of national / global events and some CCS-specific events, which we mark with a mixture of school assemblies, tutor group discussions, PSHE activities and school communications. We have added three new dates for 2023-24:
Parent Mental Health Day
International Day of Happiness
National Volunteers Week
Information on these events will be shared on our social media posts throughout the year.
Mental Health Awareness Week (May 2024)
Movement was this year’s theme for Mental Health Awareness Week, including the idea that even small movements can make a big difference to our mental health.
Year 1 and 2 enjoyed dancing and 5-4-3-2-1 breathing exercises with our friends from NHS Mental Health Support Team, while Years 7-11 took on a Nature Trail challenge during PSHE lessons, clocking up 2,200kms in total!
The Lowdown – a mental health charity for 11-25-year-olds – also came in to share information about their various services and to hear from young people about what supports their mental health.
Finally, in one of our new Wellbeing Champions’ first initiatives, key stage 3 students completed a survey that digs deeper into why people feel uncomfortable talking about mental health. The champions will be analysing the results next week and finding ways to tackle the issues that discourage some from talking about their mental health. As Wilbur, our wellbeing mascot, keeps reminding us …. it’s good to talk!
International Day of Happiness (March 2024)
CCS joined in the celebrations for International Day of Happiness, which the United Nations introduced in 2012 with the belief that happiness is a fundamental human right. Students in primary noted and sketched the events that brought them happiness over the past week in their journals. We all enjoyed sharing each other’s highlights with the class to celebrate the power of happiness.
Children’s Mental Health Week (February 2024)
We celebrated this year’s ‘My Voice Matters’ theme by focusing on young people’s views and featuring these in our new mental health videos. Activities this week included:
- Assemblies – sharing what students told us in the recent wellbeing survey and what we plan to do next to act on their views,
- ‘Wellbeing Myth-buster’ quiz – working in classes to spot the myths from the facts about mental health and bullying, featuring our new video with students from years 4, 6 and 13,
- Workshops – with help from our friends at ‘Now and Beyond’, children in KS1 learned about friendships, while KS2 learned how to turn feelings of anger into useful energy,
- Video – we promoted the new ‘Mental Health Stigma’ student video, which you can access on our website’s ‘About Mental Health’ page, and
- Displays – selecting winners from the student design competition.
We agree with the theme of the week – young people’s voices matter.
Wellbeing design winner Olivia (8CS)
Wellbeing design winner Olivia (8CS)
Wellbeing design winner Gabriela (2MSDK)
Wellbeing design winner Gabriela (2MSDK)
Wellbeing design winner Freya (6EC)
Wellbeing design winner Freya (6EC)
Anti-Bullying Week & Odd Socks Day (November 2023)
In support of Anti-Bullying Alliance’s annual initiative, students marked the start of Anti-Bullying Week 2023 by dressing up for Odd Socks Day. Assemblies and tutor sessions this week featured:
An update from our wellbeing project team
Anti-bullying guidance from the Pastoral team,
A CCS Newsround wellbeing episode made by Year 9-13 students, and
A showcase of several initiatives from our Year 4 children, such as a class feelings jar and wellbeing posters.
Big Health and Happiness Week (October 2023)
Our biggest ever Big Health and Happiness Week in primary included lots of great activities, each promoting good mental health and happiness. Highlights included arts and crafts, ballroom dancing, food tasting, party games, an array of sports, and even a parents’ yoga session, just to name a few.
This year’s event introduced the theme 'Find your little big thing', emphasising the smallest of changes can have a huge impact on our wellbeing.