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CCS Science Festival – Open to all students in Year 5-8

Monday 15 January 2024

CCS Science Festival – Open to all students in Year 5-8


Dear parents and carers,

We have the pleasure of inviting all learners from Year 5 to Year 8 to take part in our hugely successful ‘CCS Science Festival’ (previously known as 'Science Fair). This will be a fantastic opportunity for students to showcase their creative and innovative inventions and ideas through a Science, Technology, or Maths project of their choice. Students will work in small groups, up to a maximum of 4, and their masterpiece project will be entered in our CCS Science Festival competition. Entries will be judged by our trustees and science ambassadors from the region.

Students will also be supported to gain an accredited Bronze Crest Award for their project, a scheme that inspires young people to think and behave like scientists and engineers. A Bronze project planning form can be collected from me in the Science Department Base (Upper D) for Year 7 and 8 students and from Miss Carter in Primary for Years 5 and 6. 

The CCS Science Festival will take place during National Science Week on Tuesday 12 March from 4.30pm to 7pm. All parents, carers and families are invited to this event to enjoy the interactive experiments and displays produced by our talented students of CCS.

To enter the competition, please ask your child to complete ‘an expression of interest form’, available via the link placed on your child’s year Teams page (Year 7-8), or by letting Miss Carter know (Year 5-6)

We look forward to seeing their wonderful projects and we wish you the best of luck.

Kind regards,

James Gardiner
Faculty Leader of Science

Tagged  Year 5  Year 6  Year 7  Year 8 

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