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Designated Special Provision

Contact details:

Please email the Learning Support Leadership Team:

Type of Provision

We offer a unit provision within Caroline Chisholm School Secondary Phase for students from Year 7 to Sixth Form with a diagnosis of high functioning ASD. There is a maximum of three places in each year cohort based on an overall unit provision for ten places, including Sixth Form. 

What is Autism?

Autism is a spectrum. This means everybody with autism is different.

Being autistic means that your brain works in a different way from other people. Sometimes this is called being neurodiverse.

Autistic people may:

  • find it hard to communicate and interact with other people
  • find it hard to understand how other people think or feel
  • find things like bright lights or loud noises overwhelming, stressful or uncomfortable
  • get anxious or upset about unfamiliar situations and social events
  • take longer to process information
  • do or think the same things over and over

Who has autism?

There are around 700,000 people in the UK diagnosed with autism – that’s more than 1 in 100.

However, it is thought that everyone has at least a few traits of autism.

Some famous people with autistic traits

Albert Einstein – couldn’t bear to wear socks

Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart – had such sensitive hearing intense sounds often made him feel physically sick

Bill Gates – it is said that Bill rocks when he is concentrating or stressed









Admission Criteria and Arrangements

All admissions will be determined by the Local Authority in accordance with the SEN and Disability Code of Practice, July 2014.

Students will have at least one score within the average ability range as measured on a standard test of cognitive ability. This will have been assessed within two years prior to admission to the SEN Unit. Students may display challenging behaviours resulting from their autism, but challenging behaviours are not their identified primary need.

Arrangements for Including Students in Mainstream

Strategies for including students in mainstream are put in place on an individual basis depending on the level of need.

These strategies include:

  • Adapted work
  • Seating plans
  • Exam access arrangements
  • LSA support within lessons
  • Student specific training for staff
  • Dedicated Study Support sessions

Characteristics of the School

Caroline Chisholm School is a large all-through school (4-19 years), located in South Northamptonshire, predominantly serving its local community of Wootton, Wootton Fields, Grange Park, Quinton and Courteenhall.

Description of Provision

The SEN Unit will enable students from Year 7 to Year 13 to succeed in the mainstream setting by removing barriers to learning and by providing:

  • A supported inclusive educational experience
  • Social support
  • Advice to teachers on individual learning needs
  • SPELL framework (Structure, Positivity, Empathy, Low Arousal, Links)

Curriculum delivery takes place predominantly in mainstream lessons with access to in-class support.

Subject teachers provide structure and adaptation of tasks to promote effective learning.

The SEN Unit offers targeted individual work and social support, particularly at less structured times of the day. Interventions are offered using the Assess-Plan-Do-Review model. Students are provided with continuous access to the dedicated suite of rooms in accordance with their sensory needs.

Staffing Details

The Assistant Principal (Inclusion) has strategic responsibility for all aspects of SEN across the school. The SEN Unit Manager has holistic responsibility for the progress of all SEN Unit students.

All mainstream teaching staff will be offered regular INSET on ASD and in line with the SEND Code of Practice will be expected to use their best endeavours to ensure all student needs are met. All support staff are offered regular detailed training on best practice in supporting students with ASD.

Staff and Governors at Caroline Chisholm School are committed to ensuring the quality of provision in the SEN Unit provision.

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