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The Aspire Team

The Aspire Team looks after students who are entitled to additional funding from the government – at Caroline Chisholm School we call these students “Aspire students”. This includes children who are entitled to Free School Meals (FSMs) / Pupil Premium (PP) funding, as well as students who are Children We Care For (CWCF), currently in care (LAC) or have previously been in care (PLAC). This additional funding is money that the school receives for providing additional support to improve education outcomes for Aspire students. 

Aspire work closely with other key teams in the school, such as the Pastoral Team and Performance Leaders as appropriate, to ensure the best support is given to Aspire students to help them thrive at CCS. We know our students work best when we are all working together. We have had some real success stories over the years where we were able to forge strong relationships with our Aspire families and help children to flourish in their school career.

Types of Support

The Aspire Team offers a ‘whole child’ approach and so provides many different types of tailored support including:

Educational support 

One of the main focuses of the Aspire Team is to help raise academic outcomes for pupils in receipt of this additional funding. We monitor attainment and coordinate targeted interventions where necessary, especially in English and maths, to help improve progress and achievement.

Financial support 

For Aspire students in both primary and secondary phases, we can provide financial support for a number of different things and will try to help with reasonable requests. The additional funding may pay for items such as:

  • School trips
  • Music lessons
  • Essential resources required for school, such as revision guides etc.
  • Uniform
  • Equipment
  • Extra-curricular clubs

Aspire students who are in sixth form and require some financial assistance, may qualify for a 16-19 Bursary. For more information and to apply for bursary, please email

Pastoral support 

We will support Aspire students if they are struggling with any aspect of school. This can include help with attendance and punctuality difficulties, working on emotional or social issues, helping with improving confidence and building self-esteem, amongst many others. We also focus on improving behaviour, as well as building trust and relationships. In addition to the help we provide in school, we can also signpost children and families to other services outside of school.

Cost of Living Support

You can find information about further cost of living support available from West Northamptonshire Council (WNC) by visiting: WNC Cost of Living Support Information. There are details about things like community warm hubs, extra benefits, mental and wellbeing support, local foodbanks, general advice and guidance along with a whole host of other useful tips and tricks for saving money.

Our aim is to work in partnership with our Aspire students and families and to provide support in all aspects of their school life, to achieve the best possible outcome from their time at CCS. If you have any questions, queries, concerns about an Aspire student, please contact us using the email address or by calling 01604 264319 which comes directly through to the team.

Are you in receipt of benefits?

If you think your child may be entitled to additional Pupil Premium (PP) funding or Free School Meals (FSMs), please visit West Northamptonshire Council Free School Meals and Pupil Premium to find out more information and apply.

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