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Year 10 - End of Year Exam Timetable

24 May 2024

Dear parents and carers, 

Further to Mrs Gee's communication sent on 17 May, regarding the end of year exams for year 10, I have attached the timetable for all assessments.  Please note, some of these assessments will commence at 8.45am, so students need to ensure they are in on time.

The results of these assessments will be communicated to you in the final census report in July.

The aim of these assessments is to highlight pupil's strengths and areas for development, so it is crucial that students prepare for these assessments in order for us to have a true reflection of where they are in terms of their progress to date.  Historically, some students have not prepared themselves for these assessments, and then their performance flags a concern, when in reality, had they prepared, they would have performed far better.  A true and reliable picture, enables our teachers to intervene effectively, and put in measures to support students where it is genuinely needed and target those gaps in knowledge and any misconceptions.


Kind Regards

Kathryn Wittich-Jackson

Assistant Principal

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