Year 11 trip to Victoria and Albert Museum and Tate Britain
The Visual Art department arranged a school visit to the Victoria and Albert Museum and Tate Britain in London, on the 12 January, for 64 of our Year 11 Textiles, Fine Art and Photography students. The aim of the visit was to give students the opportunity to start their contextual research for their Externally Set Assignment (Exam project). Students have chosen their own exam theme from a range of given themes, by the exam board AQA. They spent the time in the two museums sourcing art works that relate to their chosen theme, which they can then draw inspiration from, to help them develop their own ideas. The trip was very successful and gave students a real kick-start to their exam project. Students are now evidencing this trip in their folders/sketchbooks and are using the drawings and photos that they took. Once again, our students were exemplary on the trip.
We are delighted to be able to, once again, offer these extra-curricular enhancement activities, which give the students a much fuller and broader educational experience. We have sent out a letter to all parents of Year 11 Fine Art and Photography students with dates of exams and deadlines for both exam projects and coursework. During the exam project, which students will complete towards the end of April, we are offering after-school sessions on Mondays and Thursdays for all our KS4 students to catch up on or extend their learning, and we sincerely hope students take advantage of this offer.
Please do check out the photos below to see some of the wonderful pieces of artwork students had the chance to view during the trip.
- The Visual Art Department